Wednesday, November 17, 2010

穿越成本 VS 等待成本









穿越成本:(4h × 3 × 30)+(20h× 7)= 500 h

等待成本:5h× 6 × 30 = 900 h





什么成了?原来这几天,她一直在纠结自己是不是该给一个大客户打电话。这个客户是她的一个重要资源:如果打了,她担心人家觉得自己公司刚创业,对 自己印象减分;如果不打,这个单子肯定就没有下文了。比这个更加纠结的是,她已经为这个事情头痛了一星期,开始失眠,和家人发脾气,面对客户越来越没有信 心了。


等待成本 穿越成本

身心俱疲 身心愉快,早死早超生

拿不到单 还有成功的可能

影响自己其他业务 实在不成功,集中精力应付新的单子


一旦你陷入了等死模式,最好的选择就是行动起来,进入穿越模式!穿越也许会有短期痛苦,但是等死往往会带来更大的永久损失。《战胜拖拉》的作者尼 尔·菲奥里在书中写道:“我们真正的痛苦,来自于因耽误而产生的持续的焦虑,来自于因最后时刻所完成项目质量之低劣而产生的负罪感,还来自于因为失去人生 中许多机会而产生的深深的悔恨。”

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Puma Clever Little Bag

For the last 21 months we have been thinking about shoeboxes: how to fold them, how to ship them and how to reduce them. In the end, we decided to get rid of them altogether because along the way we discovered a new design solution….a “clever little bag”.

Why so clever? By providing structure to a cardboard sheet, the bag uses 65% less cardboard than the standard shoe box, has no laminated printing, no tissue paper, takes up less space and weighs less in shipping, and replaces the plastic retail bag. Now happy Puma customers will take home the clever little one instead. Oh, and that little bag is non-woven which means less work and waste (it is stitched with heat), and after accompanying you in your suitcase wherever you may go, our little friend is even recyclable.

With our "clever little bag", Puma kicks-off the next pivotal phase of its' sustainability program. The tens of millions of shoes shipped in our bag will reduce water, energy and diesel consumption on the manufacturing level alone by more than 60% per year. In other words: approximately 8,500 tons less paper consumed, 20 million Megajoules of electricity saved, 1 million liters less fuel oil used and 1 million liters of water conserved. During transport 500,000 liters of diesel is saved and lastly, by replacing traditional shopping bags the difference in weight will save almost 275 tons of plastic.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Who’s the hero of the day? Kobe vs. LeBron. Game by Game.

Nike USA commissioned us to develop a system that easily allows them to design printed matters in a very short time, to communicate the special moment of a day.

There are different kind of solutions possible. Pure typography vs. a strong image from the game - or all together as one poster. C l e v e l a n d - C o l o ur s vs. Lakers-Colours.

Let the game begin.